A Successful Tour

A Successful Tour!

Linda Kohanov just completed the first of three tours in support of her new book, The Power of the Herd. In this maiden voyage, she led a variety of workshops, lectures, book signings, and media events in the Denver-Boulder area, Northern California, and Portland, Oregon, including this engaging overview of her book now posted on YouTube:


“After sticking close to home writing for the last four years, I was deeply honored and inspired by the response to this new material,” she says. “And I had so much fun meeting new people and new horses! Thanks to everyone who made this tour one of the most memorable experiences of my career!”

Enthusiastic Response

Linda will travel to Chicago and Minneapolis in August with more information to come on these events soon. In the meantime here are some photos and impressions from people who attended her June seminars in the Northwestern United States:

A successful workshop launches the opening of Julie Bridge's Tabula Rasa Ranch in Northern California Photo credit: Diane Hunter
A successful workshop launches the opening of Julie Bridge’s Tabula Rasa Ranch in Northern California
Photo credit: Diane Hunter

“Clearly, we need a new paradigm for the responsible use of power in our world. Looking to our natural world, Linda has translated the effective leadership qualities exhibited within the herds she’s observed over years of research and hands-on living and working with horses in both their natural environments and in human/horse relational situations to create guiding principles that have the potential to create sustainability in all areas of human endeavor: the antithesis of the inefficient and destructive forms of power in the guise of leadership so prevalent in our culture today.

This day with Linda evoked a renewed sense of what is possible—how we can shift these worn out patterns of power struggles at work, at home, and in our world political structures. She imparted new skills and tools to read the map of the power/leadership expression at hand, and tools to make effective choices in one-on-one communications as well as how to co-create with team members, and work within complex established hierarchies for effective outcomes. She led us into experiential exercises to practice and observe the Guiding Principles she introduced us to, as well as understanding our own natural leadership approaches.

Linda is a master facilitator and speaker, and her passion for this work results in a totally engaging day, rich in insight and possibility!”

— Jan Case Koerwitz

“In all aspects of my life, home, horse and work, I am feeling and demonstrating more power (in a positive way) than ever before. I have been dealing with a difficult situation at work and stepped into my own power and am now seen in a totally different light, being respected like never before. I have had two amazing interactions with my horse (so much fun) and home life has taken on a new lightness. And this is only the beginning! An amazing weekend.”

— Sharon Fay

Linda presents at the Healing with Horses symposium near Denver Photo credit: www.fifthelementranch.com
Linda presents at the Healing with Horses symposium near Denver
Photo credit: www.fifthelementranch.com

“I am still incorporating the weekend and am grateful for the connection made to self and others. This week I managed to have a successful difficult conversation with a member of my staff, chose not to participate in gossip, and was fully present at the death of a dear friend’s husband.”

— Stephanie Renard

“An incredible experience! I learned to become aware of how I access my personal power, where I had blocks to that and how to shift into being able to use the right amount power for any given situation.”

— Devin Graham


Tara Pagoda's horse Max joins forces with Linda (right) and participant at Colorado's Fifth Element Ranch Photo credit: www.fifthelementranch.com
Tara Pagoda’s horse Max joins forces with Linda (right) and participant at Colorado’s Fifth Element Ranch
Photo credit: www.fifthelementranch.com

“Linda Kohanov is a true visionary of our era in her brilliant work and exhaustive research in the areas of social and emotional intelligence and the evolution of consciousness that is necessary if humanity is to survive and thrive into and beyond the 21st Century. Like contemporaries such as Eckhart Tolle, Linda’s vision for our salvation through the evolution of consciousness is the necessary antidote in a world that seems headed for peril. Unlike, her contemporaries, however, Linda’s appropriate and well placed attention to the intrinsic need for systemic cultural, social, and emotional growth, informed by with wisdom of horses and the power of the herd, is one of the true marks of her work that sets her apart in a place to make widespread, true and lasting change. With the real-life application of the tools she presents in her workshop, Linda gives each of us the power and ability to literally be the change we wish to see in the world, thereby creating a ripple effect of limitless reach. In the most natural of consequences in using these skills to transform ourselves, we in effect transform one another, the power of which to dramatically shift the social and cultural status quo is daunting.”

— Halina Kowalski

New Developments

Many of the people who attended Linda’s one- and two-day lecture-demonstration seminars on the road were inspired to sign up for her horse-facilitated workshops this fall. As a result, these spots are filling quickly. There are only two spaces left in Black Horse Wisdom. The Power of the Herd and Harnessing the Invisible are also filling quickly.

Students discuss horse-inspired wisdom at Portland's National College of Natural Medicine Photo credit: Janet Hogue
Students discuss horse-inspired wisdom at Portland’s National College of Natural Medicine
Photo credit: Janet Hogue

All three of these workshops stand alone as in-depth human development and leadership trainings. They can also be used to qualify for the Eponaquest Apprenticeship, one of the most highly regarded programs for training equine-facilitated learning practitioners internationally. Applications for the Personal Development Apprenticeship starting in November are currently being accepted. For more information on this program, contact Linda Kohanov at rasa@eponaquest.com.

“The interpersonal and leadership skills featured in The Power of the Herd are an important part of the Personal Development Apprenticeship,” she says. “I myself was initially quite astonished to realize that leadership IS an advanced form of personal development. After all, once you access your own authentic voice, which allows you to tap your true power and vision, you need leadership skills to bring that vision into form. Parenting well involves significant leadership skills, as do any attempts to organize social change through community and political organizations.

“Over the last decade, I’ve also realized that many of the interpersonal difficulties we encounter at home, at work, at church and in other spiritual communities are related to unconscious power struggles, which can feel quite devastating, especially to highly sensitive people. Yet I’ve noticed that once highly sensitive people learn how to recognize these power plays, many of which are purely instinctual among humans as well as horses, these same clients don’t take the resulting behavior so personally. Through the nonpredatory wisdom and power of the horse, we learn how to turn these confusing interactions into trust building opportunities where everyone feels heard and empowered. It’s truly magical what happens in our personal relationships when we learn how to handle the power dynamics that we’ve been taught to ignore by a society that does NOT want us to claim our power and vision.”

 Linda co-facilitates a workshop for counselors and health care professionals with fellow Eponaquest Instructors Lauren Loos, MA (center) and Dr. Willow Moore (right) Photo credit: Janet Hogue
Linda co-facilitates a workshop for counselors and health care professionals with fellow Eponaquest Instructors Lauren Loos, MA (center) and Dr. Willow Moore (right)
Photo credit: Janet Hogue

As Linda reports, “I had a lot of people ask me on the road what distinguishes our apprenticeship program from the other programs that have been starting up in recent years. Not only have we graduated over 200 instructors worldwide since 2003, we have continued to improve the program. There have been many new developments based on the research and development I did for The Power of the Herd. The horse activities we now teach exercise very specific skills for private and small group sessions and larger workshops. Furthermore, the lecture materials we’ve created for indoor seminars have proven to be very effective with people who wouldn’t normally consider investing in an equine-facilitated workshop or private session (though many of these same people are inspired to come to the barn as a result of what they learned from these larger and consequently more economical indoor events).

“The Eponaquest Apprenticeship Program dramatically expands the scope of horse-facilitated work by teaching apprentices how to do on-site workshops for community groups and businesses that have a limited budget for sending members out to the barn. We also teach apprentices how to support private clients through long-term phone and office consultations. As a result, the Eponaquest Apprenticeship Program offers more tools than ever in helping people take these horse-inspired skills back into the human world for greater success in relationships, creativity, leadership, and advanced personal development.”

Linda is happy to answer more specific questions about the program at the email address above.