The individuals listed below have completed the Eponaquest Apprenticeship Program and have committed to upholding the Eponaquest Best Practice Guidelines. These individuals are thus recommended and sanctioned by Eponaquest as Recommended Eponaquest Instructors in the facilitation of the Eponaquest Approach™ to Equine Facilitated Learning.
You no longer have to travel to Eponaquest to experience the Eponaquest way of relating to — and learning from — horses! Eponaquest Worldwide is pleased to announce the following riding instructors, therapists and equine experiential learning practitioners have completed an extended and rigorous apprenticeship program.
These professionals, who are now Eponaquest Instructors, are qualified to teach basic Eponaquest techniques in horse-human relationship skills, mind-body awareness, emotional fitness, assertiveness, and authentic leadership. Some are licensed therapists adept at including horses in the healing process. Others are experienced horse trainers and riding instructors who understand the emotional, mental and spiritual dynamics of horse-human relationships. Still others are gifted equine experiential learning practitioners who employ horses in teaching advanced human development skills. Feel free to contact them directly, and mention that you’d like to explore The Eponaquest Approach™. Many instructors are willing to travel to facilitate workshops outside their respective areas.
Kathleen Barry Ingram and Linda Kohanov created, collaborated and facilitated the first nine Apprenticeship programs together, along with other Advanced programs at the Eponaquest. Kathleen has expanded her interests and direction, and now has her own consulting/coaching practice. Her website:
The Eponaquest Apprenticeship program continues now under the direction of Linda Kohanov, Eponaquest Advanced Instructor staff members and various Eponaquest Instructor assistants. You may also notice that certain instructors have the letters “AI” listed after their names. These professionals are “Advanced Instructors” (prior to 2013 known as Advanced Approved Instructors) who have completed an additional 160 to 240 hours of training.
Eponaquest Instructors are encouraged to fully develop their own strengths, perspectives and techniques. While they teach certain core principles and activities developed at Eponaquest, they are discouraged from trying to emulate Linda Kohanov’s unique style of facilitation. Horses, after all, respond most positively to authenticity. For this reason, we suggest that you interview several instructors in your area to find the best match for your needs and approach to life. In addition, you are invited to email feedback on your experiences with Eponaquest Instructors to
Persons who have completed an intensive Eponaquest training program that prepares them to work in partnership with an Eponaquest Instructor are designated Eponaquest Instructor Partners (EIP). These partner instructors are listed on the Eponaquest website only if they are working with an Eponaquest Instructor.
All other persons listed below are Eponaquest Instructors (prior to 2013 known as Eponaquest Approved Instructors), authorized to use The Eponaquest Approach™ in facilitating Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL) programs.
While Eponaquest does not train people to do Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP), those who are licensed/certified/ qualified psychotherapists and choose to add their Eponaquest training to their psychotherapy practice, are professionally responsible for their choice and may list the EFP title. Individuals who are trained in other fields are also identified below. The following code explains abbreviations:
- AI – Advanced Instructor (Prior to 2013 known as AAI – Advanced Approved Instructor)
- CEFIP – Certified Equine Facilitated Interaction Professionals, in Mental Health or Education
- CFT – Connection Focused Therapy Certified Eponaquest Instructor
- EAI – Eponaquest Associate Instructor
- EFEL – Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning
- EFMHA – Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association
- EFP – Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy
- EIP – Epona Instructor Partners
- MH – Master Herder Instructor – An instructor who has done advanced study on how to teach the Five Roles of a Master Herder, including how to administer and interpret the Master Herder Professional Assessment.
- NARHA – North American Riding for the Handicapped Association
- POH – Power of the Herd Leadership Program trained Eponaquest Instructors
- RFI – Riding Focused Instructor (Eponaquest Instructor who has completed the Riding Focused Apprenticeship)
- SC – Sentient Communication Program trained Eponaquest Instructors