Other Workshops

You now have more options when choosing Eponaquest advanced workshops to meet the requirements for application to the Eponaquest Apprenticeship Program. The following pre-approved advanced workshops offered by Eponaquest Advanced Recommended POH Instructors meet the requirement of one advanced workshop. A second advanced workshop facilitated by Eponaquest founder and director Linda Kohanov is also required (Additional options for completing prerequisite requirements for application to the Apprenticeship Program are explained at http://eponaquest.com/prerequisites-application-process/.)

Eponaquest Recommended Instructors (prior to 2013 known as Eponaquest Approved Instructors) are the only persons authorized to use the Eponaquest Approach™ in facilitating Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL) programs. Those individuals using the EFP (Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy) designation with their qualifications on this website are trained, licensed and qualified therapists as required by the laws governing the regions where they work and are professionally responsible for their choice in using this designation. Those who are trained in other fields related to EFEL are also identified. The following code explains abbreviations:

  • AI – Advanced Instructor (Prior to 2013 known as AAI – Advanced Approved Instructor)
  • EFP – Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy
  • EIP – Epona Instructor Partner
  • NARHA – North American Riding for the Handicapped Association
  • EFMHA – Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association
  • CEFIP – Certified Equine Facilitated Interaction Professionals, in Mental Health or Education
  • POH – Trained Instructor in the Power of the Herd Leadership Program
  • RFI – Riding Focused Instructor
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