Updated Information on Power of the Herd: Leadership for the 21st Century

We have had several calls over the last week from people who are interested in the March Power of the Herd: Leadership for the 21st Century workshop. One person, who just learned about this workshop, was wondering if we could extend the opportunity to attend for the early registration rate of $1500 so she might check flights and her schedule etc. As a result, we have decided to extend the early registration rate to February 12. (After that the tuition will rise to the standard rate of $2000.)

Another client, who asked for more specific information about what kind of leadership training this workshop involves, received this comment from Linda Kohanov:

“The Power of the Herd offers a new, emotionally and socially intelligent approach to leadership for anyone who finds him/herself in the position of inspiring and motivating others toward a common goal—while also tapping the unique talents and strengths of all the ‘herd members.’ In this sense, leadership can also be seen as an advanced personal development skill. People who have done enough personal growth work to find their own voice and access a vision need leadership skills to manifest that vision. And yet, most of us have grown up with the old dominance/submission, fear/intimidation models of leadership that seriously compromise creativity and team work.

“Learning how to lead effectively in the 21st century is a whole new ballgame. We are being asked to ‘grow up’ as a species. The Power of the Herd training teaches people four specific pitfalls to avoid: I call them the Stone Age Power Tools. What’s more, the workshop teaches 12 specific Guiding Principles that you can immediately put into use to become more effective in the world: at work, home, school, church, as well as in more innovative settings where vision and social activism are called for. These principles, which have been developed over the last 15 years through much research, trial and error, have changed my life and business significantly, and they have also proven effective in corporate, entrepreneurial, and educational contexts.”

Due to several apprenticeships and promotional efforts for her new book, this is the only Power of the Herd workshop Linda will be offering in Spring 2013. For more information, contact Sue Smades at info@eponaquest.com or 520-455-5908.