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The Tao of Equus 2024: Mindful, Authentic, Heart-Centered Wisdom for Personal Well Being and Professional Success (Workshop is Full)
October 17, 2024 – October 20, 2024
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily
“Looking honestly at how we respond in relationship provides a deeper glimpse of who we are than any mirror hanging on the wall.”
Linda Kohanov
Several times a day, we look in the mirror—perhaps to comb our hair, apply make up, adjust jewelry, knot a tie, or check the effect a particular suit, dress, shirt, or pair of jeans has on our appearance.
But “seeing” our soul’s reflection requires a different kind of mirror. Looking honestly at how we approach and react to family, friends, coworkers, supervisors and strangers—in times of peace and in times of conflict—offers a tremendous store of information for personal, professional, and spiritual development.
Among humans, however, the mirror of relationship is often tarnished by social systems that pressure people to act in-authentically in order to conform. To please others, we may hide our feelings, suppress our dreams, and, in the process, lose sight of who we really are.
Horses provide a much clearer reflection of our true nature. They have a tremendous capacity to mirror—and accept—our authentic feelings, desires, frustrations, and untapped gifts. In this way, they allow us to see more clearly who we really are and, over time, help us discover how to bring our unique perspectives and talents into the world.
Best-selling author Linda Kohanov first experienced this life-changing phenomenon with her horse Tabula Rasa. As she wrote in a tribute to this black Arabian mare:
“Horses have a tremendous capacity to highlight our hidden gifts, our wounds, our vulnerabilities, and our worn-out worldly habits. And yet somehow they manage to be discerning without a hint of judgment, communicating that at the core, we too are beautiful, powerful, and wise, capable of endless renewal.
“Looking at my own reflection through the eyes of Tabula Rasa, I came to see human dysfunctions as surface scintillations, dramatic and sometimes irritating to be sure, but certainly not set in stone. Whenever I managed, through grace or sheer stubborn will, to let go of an old pattern and embody a fresh perspective, Rasa would mirror the transformation, welcoming me home to an ever-deeper understanding of who I really was. And without the slightest hint of ambition, she would continually up the ante, stretching, relentlessly, my own limited ideas about my place in the world, my calling, my untapped potential, and even, as it turns out, the nature of reality itself.”
In this four-day experiential workshop, you will have an opportunity to experience the horse as both a mirror and a gentle guide. You will learn how to take the perspective that horses provide back to the human world.
You’ll practice how to engage in mutually respectful relationships with others, and you’ll learn a simple yet powerful formula for engaging assertiveness without becoming aggressive. You’ll discover how to use emotions as information, as horses do. You’ll learn techniques for enhancing physical as well as mental and emotional health. And you’ll tap into a vast storehouse of horse-inspired wisdom to enhance your personal and professional relationships.
In this workshop, Linda Kohanov will also share some of the latest scientific research on how and why horses are so effective in helping humans become more balanced, empowered, compassionate, and connected to deeper sources of inspiration. “When I first wrote The Tao of Equus back in 2000,” she says, “there simply wasn’t the science to back up the many profound and very much repeatable experiences people were having with horses. I’m pleased that my publisher commissioned me to rewrite The Tao of Equus in 2023 to include this updated information. I’m also excited that I will be able to share these innovative theories and studies with the participants at The Tao of Equus 2024 workshop this fall, months before others will be able to access this information in the updated book.”
No horse experience necessary. All activities are on the ground with carefully trained horses who are experienced teachers of people from all walks of life.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellation up to 30 days prior to the event start date results in a credit of one-half the workshop. There is no tuition credit for a cancellation 30 days or less before the event start date.