2016-10-07 Greening Your Innate Wisdom Greening Your Innate Wisdom October 7, 2016 - October 9, 2016 Greening Your Innate Wisdom Kristin Hungenberg. BA, Yoga and Tai Chi Instructor, Riding Instructor info@fourdirectionshorsefarm.com www.fourdirectionshorsefarm.com 970-397-7299
2016-10-21 “Power With” not “Power Over” “Power With” not “Power Over” October 21, 2016 - October 24, 2016 “Power With” not “Power Over” Kristin Hungenberg. BA, Yoga and Tai Chi Instructor, Riding Instructor info@fourdirectionshorsefarm.com www.fourdirectionshorsefarm.com 970-397-7299
2016-10-22 From Fear to Freedom From Fear to Freedom October 22, 2016 - October 31, 2016 From Fear to Freedom Sally Nilsson, RFI, POH, Certified Profressional Coach & Deborah Draves Legg, RN, AI, RFI, POH leavesandlizardsretreat@gmail.com www.leavesandlizards.com +1-888-828-9245
2016-10-27 The Eponaquest Approach to Riding The Eponaquest Approach to Riding October 27, 2016 - October 30, 2016 The Eponaquest Approach to Riding Julie Bridge juliebridge@mearasgroup.com 415-297-6848
2016-11-04 Liberate Your Soul with an Eponicity & Yoga Retreat Liberate Your Soul with an Eponicity & Yoga Retreat November 4, 2016 - November 14, 2016 Liberate Your Soul with an Eponicity & Yoga Retreat Sally Nilsson, RFI, POH, CPC & Deborah Draves Legg, RN, AI, RFI, POH & Certified Yoga Instructors Francesca Matichak (Iyengar, Reiki Master) & Sabina Rodríguez (Hatha) leavesandlizardsretreat@gmail.com www.leavesandlizards.com +1-888-828-9245