Women’s Way of the Healer Training

Asheville, North Carolina

Barbara Alexander, POH, Professional Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher info@barbarainc.com www.barbarainc.com 828-712-8993

Walking in Balance Through the Way of the Horse

Nashville, Tennessee

Kristin Hungenberg.  BA, Yoga and Tai Chi Instructor, Riding Instructor info@fourdirectionshorsefarm.com www.fourdirectionshorsefarm.com 970-397-7299

Mindfulness in Motion

Sebastopol, California (San Francisco Bay Area)

Julie Bridge  juliebridge@mearasgroup.com 415-297-6848

Inspired Change

Sussex, United Kingdom

Sun Tui, AI, EFP, POH admin@ifeal.me www.ifeal.me +44 (0) 1892 770139

Awakening Your Authentic Self

Nevada City, California

Tara Coyote, BA, Certified Pilates instructor tara@windhorsesanctuary.com www.windhorsesanctuary.com 530-432-9507

“Power With” not “Power Over”

Nashville, Tennessee

Kristin Hungenberg. BA, Yoga and Tai Chi Instructor, Riding Instructor info@fourdirectionshorsefarm.com www.fourdirectionshorsefarm.com 970-397-7299

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