2020-05-14 Connect with Your Authentic Self Connect with Your Authentic Self May 14, 2020 - May 16, 2020 Connect with Your Authentic Self Rosie Withey AI, BHSII Riding Coach rosie@horsesasteachers.co.uk www.horsesasteachers.co.uk +44 (0) 7775 594294
2020-05-16 Leadership Redefined: The 5 Roles of the Master Herder Leadership Redefined: The 5 Roles of the Master Herder May 16, 2020 - May 17, 2020 Leadership Redefined: The 5 Roles of the Master Herder Carmen Theobald, AI, POH, MH, SC, EFL, Socially Intelligent Leadership Coach & Gail Boone, MH, POH, SC, EFL, Certified Executive Coach, Professional Certified Coach (ICF) carmentheobald@gmail.com or gailboone@ns.sympatico.ca www.horsesensenorth.com or www.nextstageefc.com 705-346-1714 or 902-497-8650
2020-05-16 Leadership Redefined: The 5 Roles of the Master Herder Leadership Redefined: The 5 Roles of the Master Herder
2020-06-05 Equine Alchemy Experience: An Introduction to the Way of the Horse Equine Alchemy Experience: An Introduction to the Way of the Horse June 5, 2020 - June 6, 2020 Equine Alchemy Experience: An Introduction to the Way of the Horse Lisa Murrell, AI, POH, MH, Certified Professional Coach lisa@equinealchemy.com www.equinealchemy.com 845-430-0590