Spaces Available in Apprenticeship Workshop in the United Kingdom
Their are spaces remaining in the UK Apprenticeship workshop. If you are interested in the program:

Discovering Your Inner Wisdom Through the Way of the Horse
- When: May 13, 2015
- Cost: £75 including lunch
- Time: 9.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
- Where: Telford Equestrian Centre, Telford, UK
Would you like to strengthen the connection to your intuition?
In our everyday life it can be challenging to keep connected to our inner wisdom. Often we find ourselves overruling or ignoring our own intuitions in favor of something we believe we should be feeling or thinking.
Sometimes it can be difficult to know what our own deep truth is telling us because we are so out of practice in listening to ourselves!
This one-day workshop offers you a chance to pause and connect.
We will connect with real horses, but no horse experience is necessary and there will be no riding.
Spaces are limited.
For further information or to register contact: Ruth Tudor
Mobile number: 00 44 7530 528 600
From Grass Roots to Nation Wide — Eponaquest Instructor’s Film Airing on PBS Stations in Cities Across the U.S.
The award winning documentary film Breaking Through The Clouds: The First Women’s National Air Derby, written and produced by Eponaquest Instructor Heather Taylor, began airing on PBS stations across the United States in March. The documentary tells the true story of 20 female pilots, including Amelia Earhart, who raced across America in 1929 with just a compass and a road map to guide their way.
The more than two hour long film includes original footage from the derby, beautiful aerial recreations, and interviews with legendary aviatrixes, aviation historians and family members of the original derby pilots. All of this helps to tell the amazing story of how this group of women overcame the cultural stereotypes of their time, mechanical failures, threats of sabotage and navigational challenges to make history.

Heather grew up in a family of pilots and felt a calling to tell this inspiring story after first hearing about it in 1997, and doing a decade’s worth of research into the topic herself, in the hope of inspiring others to follow their dreams. Following her dream, Taylor left her position with Discovery Communications and formed her own production company, Archetypal Images, LLC.
“Many of our Eponaquest Instructors are talented in multiple areas, and Heather is a great example,” says Linda Kohanov. “I’ve seen this film and it is truly moving. It’s surprising what these women pilots went through to follow their dreams. I’m so proud of Heather for following hers. This is an inspiring film. I highly recommend watching it when it comes your way on PBS, or in the meantime, getting a copy of the DVD through Heather.”
For more information about Breaking Through the Clouds: The First Women’s National Air Derby or about Heather Taylor go to, or contact Heather at
Prints Available of Peace Offering Painting
“Shari Montana is another one of our multi-talented instructors,” says Linda. “I’m honored to have the original painting of Peace Offering in the entryway to our Eponaquest at Eagle Way ranch. It fills me with inspiration every day, reminding me what an honor it is to partner with horses as co-facilitators in the work of human development.”
The painting Peace Offering, Women Nurturing Horses by Eponaquest Instructor and professional artist Shari Montana that appears at the top of this newsletter is a 37″ x 42″ mixed media painting done on archival paper. The subject of the piece, Cimarron, is one of Shari’s horses that was a captured and then rescued mustang stallion, gelded after being rescued.
“The overall painting tells the story of women nurturing and inviting horses to join with them and become consensual companions, ” according to Shari. “You can see the two women in the painting offering touch through their hands, as well as offering food to the great stallion. These human figures are human are copies of actual representations of humans from caves in the southeastern United States from years ago.”
Prints are available of this beautiful painting from the artist — All proceeds from the sale of these prints goes to supporting rescued horses at River Pines Horse Sanctuary.