Beyond Aging Gracefully: An Interview with William Shatner


 At 86, William Shatner is a force of nature, traveling the world as an actor, director, author, speaker, recording artist, and philanthropist. What’s his secret? The man best known as Star Trek’s Captain Kirk and Boston Legal’s Denny Crane insists it’s his longstanding dedication to riding horses that keeps him young in body, mind, heart, and spirit!

Author and Eponaquest founder Linda Kohanov recently interviewed Shatner about his new book Spirit of the Horse: A Celebration in Fact and Fable. Among the topics covered in this wide-ranging conversation:  how he learned to ride bareback in portraying the legendary horseman Alexander the Great, how “horse doubles” are employed in the film industry, and how people can get involved long distance in his upcoming Hollywood Charity Horse Show. Shatner also reveals—from firsthand experience—how the reactions that rescued drug running horses have to their cruel previous owners are helping the border patrol catch these human “coyotes.” To listen to this inspiring conversation, go to the Eponaquest Worldwide website at and scroll down to the Shatner Interview on the homepage (under the list of upcoming workshops).



Linda’s Only East Coast Workshops

Speaking of workshops, Linda Kohanov’s only East Coast appearances in 2017 are coming up in a couple of weeks. “Both are seminars on what horses can teach people about mindfulness, compassion, empowered relationship, and leadership,” she says. “These are indoor events, but they’re not mere lectures. I will be teaching a number of tools and experiential elements that help people practice how to take horse wisdom back to the human world.”

Full experiential workshops with horses are powerful but they are also more costly and limited to small groups of people. “I’ve also found over the years that not everyone who can benefit from these skills is ready to go out to the barn,” Linda says. For this reason, she developed engaging indoor events that allow people to sample her groundbreaking work and learn skills that are immediately useful at home, work, school, and in larger community settings. Equestrians also learn skills they can immediately take back to the stable.

May 19 to 21, Linda will be at the Rowe Center in Rowe, Massachusetts She’ll be in Raleigh, North Carolina May 25