Eponaquest News – March 2014

Openings Remain in Linda’s Spring Workshops

Linda’s spring workshops are fast approaching. However, there is still time and a few remaining spaces left if you are interested in attending.

In the March 15-19 The Power Beyond Nonviolence: Horse Sense for Challenging Times workshop (click title for full workshop

description), Linda Kohanov demonstrates how the skills she accessed to rehabilitate Midnight Merlin, a dangerous, formerly abused stallion, can be translated into handling challenging people and situations. Participants will practice these skills with gentler horses, gradually building their skill level to work with Merlin’s own sons, Spirit, Indigo Moon, and Orion.

This workshop is useful for leaders, teachers, parents, counselors, health care workers, clergy, social activists, first-responders, law enforcement personnel, and people who work or live with those who act out in aggressive or intensely fearful ways at times. The progressive skill development orientation of this workshop makes it appropriate for participants who have no previous horse experience, as well as riders and trainers who would like to learn new approaches to working with highly sensitive young horses or formerly abused older horses.

For more information contact the Eponaquest office at 520-455-5908 or info@eponaquest.com. To register online go to http://eponaquest.com/workshop-registration/.

The April 19-22 Harnessing the Invisible: A Transformational Approach to Leadership, Innovation, and Authentic Community Building (for a full workshop description click on the workshop title) is for people who want to develop a deeper connection to their own spirit and a more soulful connection to others, whether this quest is reflected in an established religion, a formal spiritual practice, or a desire to connect with something larger than the modern human ego affords. Those who would like to bring compassion, vision, and non-predatory power into business, politics, and social activism contexts will also learn skills to bring people together for a common cause.

For more information contact the Eponaquest office at 520-455-5908 or info@eponaquest.com. To register online go to http://eponaquest.com/workshop-registration/.

Linda on Tour – Upcoming Dates Announced

After a highly successful tour during the summer of 2013, Linda is again bringing the Eponaquest Approach to you as she travels to locations across the United States. The following program dates have been announced, with additional dates/locations to come:

The Shepherd’s Task: Tapping the Hidden Genius and Unrealized Potential of Christian Leadership

  • April 12, 2014 — Lubbock, Texas
  • Cost: $150
  • Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Workshop Location: LakeRidge United Methodist Church • 4701 82nd Street • Lubbock, TX • 806-794-4015, ext. 513

Full workshop description available at http://eponaquest.com/workshop-details/?event=886

To Register: kkilgore@lakeridgeumc.org or 806-794-4015, ext. 513

The Power of the Herd: Leadership for the 21st Century

  • June 14-17, 2014 — Damascus, Maryland
  • Cost: $2000 — Includes lunch and workshop materials.
  • Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily
  • Workshop Location: Great Strides • 26771 Howard Chapel Drive • Damascus, MD 20872 • 301-253-1166

Full workshop description available at http://eponaquest.com/workshop-details/?event=781.

To Register Online: http://eponaquest.com/workshop-registration/

2014 Eponaquest Personal Development / Leadership Focused Apprenticeship Date Changes Announced

Due to conflicts in the schedules of some applicants, the dates for the upcoming 2014 U.S. based Eponaquest Personal Development/Leadership Focused Apprenticeship have been changed. The program includes three mandatory 9-day sessions, as well as an optional fourth 9-day session. Sessions schedules are listed below and a complete description of the program is available at http://eponaquest.com/apprenticeship/equine-facilitated-learning-leadership-focus/.

  • Session I: Saturday, October 4 – Sunday, October 12, 2014
  • Session II: Saturday, December 6 – Sunday, December 14, 2014
  • Session III: Saturday, February 21 – Sunday, March 1, 2015
  • Session IV (Optional): Saturday, April 25 – Sunday, May 3, 2015 *