Prerequisites & Application Process


1.  Prior to being accepted into the apprenticeship training program, all applicants are required to complete an introductory workshop offered by an Eponaquest  Instructor. (Please see Introductory Workshops: USA or Introductory Workshops: International pages for currently listed qualifying programs.) Direct experience of this work gives applicants and Eponaquest instructors and staff a clearer sense of whether or not the level of mutual commitment required by a program such as this is a viable undertaking for the interested parties. Introductory Level workshops offered by Eponaquest Instructors around the world meet the prerequisite standards.

2.  In addition to completing one introductory Eponaquest workshop, individuals wishing to apply for the Apprenticeship Program must also complete either:

  • The two-session NOW program internationally (or any other 2 session program approved as meeting the requirements for prerequisites for the Apprenticeship by Linda Kohanov), or
  • Two advanced workshops of 4 or more days — one of which must be with Linda Kohanov as the primary facilitator. The second advanced program may be with Eponaquest Advanced Instructors approved to teach advanced workshops qualifying as prerequisites for the Apprenticeship Program. See the advanced workshop sections of the website for listed options, ask the advanced workshop facilitator for the programs for which you are interested if their program qualifies, or contact Sue Smades at • 520-455-5908 for assistance.
  • Linda Kohanov will also consider graduation from other facilitator training programs, or solid experience in an already-established equine-facilitated practice, as fulfilling one of the advanced workshop requirements for entering the Eponaquest Apprenticeship Program. Please email Linda at to find out if you qualify for this option.

3.  For those individuals who graduate from the three-week apprenticeship programs offered by former Eponaquest Senior Faculty members Carol Roush, Shelley Rosenberg, and Nancy Coyne, Linda offers the option of becoming Eponaquest/POH instructors by attending an additional nine-day program that she teaches. (Please note that Linda can only teach the basic POH facilitator skills in this additional week. Tools for teaching children, as well as journeying/intuition-building techniques and the Connection Focused Therapy model cannot be taught during the one-week training for graduates of these other approved programs.) — Dates and other arrangements for the additional fourth-week option with Linda (for graduates of these programs to become Eponaquest/POH instructors) will be handled through the leaders of those apprenticeship programs.


Additional Program Requirements:

  1. Apprentices must either own their own horse(s) or have routine access to a particular horse in order to practice with the horse throughout the training period.
  2. Due to the rise in equine-facilitated therapy and experiential learning industry standards, applicants must have at least five (5) years or 2,000 hours of horse experience. This experience can include owning horses, riding lessons, participation in show circuits, instructing, and/or training, etc. (Opportunities may be available at Eponaquest for Apprentices seeking additional horse experience. Contact Elysa Ginsburg at for possible unpaid internship opportunities.)
  3. Individuals applying to the Eponaquest Apprenticeship Program are expected to have some experience with group dynamics. This could include support groups, work team building, as well as therapeutic groups. The key is for individuals to have some experience and an idea of how to interact supportively and successfully with other group members — in other words, how to support, give appropriate feedback, listen, and encourage other members. Much of the teaching and learning during the year will give individuals more experience and opportunity to hone their group dynamics skills. However, as in all endeavors, nothing can replace personal experience. We cannot expect others to share openly if we have not ourselves understood the vulnerability and risk this requires of each person. Facilitators cannot take anyone further then they themselves have gone. If a facilitator has blind spots, secrets or unconscious patterns, their unconscious behavior is likely to affect others and block them from reaching their full potential. During the course, participants will have opportunities to discover, uncover and reclaim lost parts of themselves. We expect this commitment from our apprentices and we commit to supporting them as they travel this path.
  4. Applicants must be mentally and emotionally stable and exhibit a level of personal maturity. The apprenticeship program is designed for people who have already started to move beyond a survival orientation to a creative, emotionally vital thriving lifestyle. Throughout the year, they will further integrate the gifts of “both worlds”: learning to ground intuitive, empathic, and shamanic insights into everyday reality while also learning to relate to others in an authentic community. While this program is not appropriate for people with a history of serious mental health issues, those who’ve faced life challenges—such as divorce, family conflicts, low-level depression and milder forms of emotional abuse—and have worked through these issues with a counselor, may apply.
  5. The Eponaquest Apprenticeship training is a rigorous program, and working with horses can be physically demanding. It is important that applicants be physically fit and in good health.

Application / Selection Process

  • Applicants are required to submit an electronic copy of their application to Sue Smades at
  • Additionally, there is an $80 application processing fee. To pay by credit or debit card or for information regarding where to send your bank check, cashiers check or money order, contact the Eponaquest office at 520-455-5908 or  Please note, personal checks are no longer accepted.

Listed below are the items that comprise the Apprenticeship application. Please provide the information in a Microsoft Word document that is a maximum of four (4) pages using text only — no photos or graphics.

  • Date application and include the Apprenticeship Program you are applying for, name, address, phone number, and email address
  • Education
  • List schools, programs, trainings, certifications, etc. that have supported your growth and development
  • Include the name of teaching/training institution, year/time attended, and a one to two sentence description of the program, its purpose and value to you.
  • Professional Experience in one or more of the following fields:
    • Riding Instruction/Training, Education
    • 5 or more years of horse experience
    • Licensed Mental Health Work
    • Coaching
    • Shamanic Training
    • Alternative Human Health Care
    • Animal Health Care
    • Unique Experience, Skills, Connections
    • Other

    Note: Specify the number of years of experience you have in each area and the particular nature of each category (e.g. Dressage Riding Instructor for seven years, High School teacher for ten years.)

  • Describe your initial experience with Eponaquest. Indicate the nature of experience (workshop, private sessions, or an intensive), the name(s) of facilitator(s) and workshop(s), and dates. Indicate which of the Eponaquest concepts or activities were difficult to integrate when you returned home? For example, the concept of emotion as information, authentic community-building skills, or the false-self/authentic-self metaphor. Which of the concepts were most useful?
  • List the date and facilitator of the Eponaquest Introductory Workshop you attended along with the names and dates of the qualifying workshops with Linda Kohanov and Eponaquest Advanced Instructors.
  • Horse Experience (you do not have to be an advanced rider to do this work, but some experience with horses is essential).
  • Describe your attraction to the field of Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning. Why are you attracted to the Eponaquest Apprenticeship Program?
  • Given the requirements and energetic demands of the Apprenticeship Program, describe how you will integrate it with your personal and work life during the extent of the training.
  • Describe your goals in this field (e.g., running your own EFEL center; adding EFP to your counseling practice; creating a more holistic, emotionally supportive rider instruction program; etc.)
  • Indicate the state of your mental and physical health.
  • Knowing yourself as you do, if you were to run into a problem during the apprenticeship year, what might it be? How do you imagine the program could help you acknowledge and address that issue?
  • If so advised by an Eponaquest Instructor, are you willing to seek outside help in an area where there seems to be a deficiency?
  • Indicate your capacity to send and receive emails with Microsoft Word attachments via the computer on a routine basis. If you do not currently have this capacity, indicate whether or not you are willing and able to acquire the necessary setup and knowledge. (This electronic exchange among Eponaquest personnel and apprentices is integral to providing professional, personal, and logistical support.)

Applicants will receive an email notification as to their acceptance into the program. Phone interviews may also be scheduled following the initial application screening to gain additional information or clarity where questions arise. The application process will continue until the program is full and a waiting list is established.