Healing with Horses and Reiki

Ontario, Canada (Toronto area)

Wendy Golding wendy@horsespiritconnections.com www.horsespiritconnections.com 905-936-4450

Find Your Inner Child, Find Your Inner Wild

Monterrey, Costa Rica

Sally Nilsson, RFI, POH, Certified Profressional Coach & Deborah Draves Legg, RN, AI, RFI, POH leavesandlizardsretreat@gmail.com www.leavesandlizards.com +1-888-828-9245

Greening Your Innate Wisdom

Nashville, Tennessee

Kristin Hungenberg. BA, Yoga and Tai Chi Instructor, Riding Instructor info@fourdirectionshorsefarm.com www.fourdirectionshorsefarm.com 970-397-7299

“Power With” not “Power Over”

Nashville, Tennessee

Kristin Hungenberg. BA, Yoga and Tai Chi Instructor, Riding Instructor info@fourdirectionshorsefarm.com www.fourdirectionshorsefarm.com 970-397-7299

From Fear to Freedom

Monterrey, Costa Rica

Sally Nilsson, RFI, POH, Certified Profressional Coach & Deborah Draves Legg, RN, AI, RFI, POH leavesandlizardsretreat@gmail.com www.leavesandlizards.com +1-888-828-9245

The Eponaquest Approach to Riding

Sebastopol, California (San Francisco Bay Area)

Julie Bridge  juliebridge@mearasgroup.com 415-297-6848

Liberate Your Soul with an Eponicity & Yoga Retreat

Monterrey, Costa Rica

Sally Nilsson, RFI, POH, CPC & Deborah Draves Legg, RN, AI, RFI, POH & Certified Yoga Instructors Francesca Matichak (Iyengar, Reiki Master) & Sabina Rodríguez (Hatha) leavesandlizardsretreat@gmail.com www.leavesandlizards.com +1-888-828-9245

Vision Quest Meets Eponaquest

Monterrey, Costa Rica

Sally Nilsson, RFI, POH, CPC & Deborah Draves Legg, RN, AI, RFI, POH & Guests Mike Bodkin, Psychotherapist and Vision Quests Guide & Dashielle Vawter, Life Coach and Vision Quests of...

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Shift into the Sublime Retreat

Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

Jody Nixon, AI, POH, RFI jody@metaphorse.com www.metaphorse.com 970-249-1212

Journey of Healing with Constellation Works & Eponicity

Monterrey, Costa Rica

Sally Nilsson, RFI, POH, CPC & Deborah Draves Legg, RN, AI, RFI, POH & Guest Co-facilitator Peter deVries of Constellation Works leavesandlizardsretreat@gmail.com www.leavesandlizards.com +1-888-828-9245

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