Dare to Live
Sussex, UK Sussex, United KingdomSun Tui, AI, EFP suntui@me.com www.ifeal.me/courses/ +44 (0) 1342 850330
Sun Tui, AI, EFP suntui@me.com www.ifeal.me/courses/ +44 (0) 1342 850330
(near Champaign/Urbana, IL)
Martina Danzer (BEd, Prof Art Therapist BCATA, Usui Reiki Master, Eponaquest Instructor POH and Liz Mitten Ryan (Facilitator, Author, Artist) martina@animalmagicworldwide.com or liz@lizmittenryan.com www.equinisity.com 250-377-3884
Elizabeth Fagan, LCSW elizabethfagan724@gmail.com www.thehealinghorse.com 917 208 3907
Advanced - Facilitated by Linda Kohanov
Lisa Murrell, AI, Certified Professional Coach lisa@equinealchemy.com www.equinealchemy.com 845-687-4324
Awakening To Your Life's Purpose Through The Way Of The Medicine Horse Advanced Workshop - Facilitated by Carol Roush
Wendy Golding wendy@horsespiritconnections.com horsespiritconnections.com 905-936-4450
Introductory & Advanced - Facilitated by Shelley Rosenberg, AI, RFI, POH, Eponaquest Senior Faculty & Deborah Draves Legg, RFI
Shelley Rosenberg AI, RFI, POH, Eponaquest Senior Faculty Deborah Draves Legg, RFI, Registered Nurse leavesandlizards@gmail.com www.leavesandlizards.com 1-888-828-9245