Eponaquest News

September 2012 Epona News

This month, Linda Kohanov shares how the lessons she learned rehabilitating her troubled stallion Marlin allowed her to form a much quicker bond with a horse that others had given up on—after collaborating with two local equine rescues to save the horse’s life.

Relationship Off …

June 2012, Epona Newsletter

When’s the New Book Coming Out? We’ve been receiving a number of requests for information on Linda’s new book The Power of the Herd: Building Social Intelligence, Visionary Leadership, and Authentic Community through the Way of the Horse. After four years of diligent research and writing, Linda Kohanov reports that she has extended the release date to winter 2013: “I’m within a couple of weeks of finishing the manuscript,” Linda reports, “which means it will be December or January at the earliest before the publisher gets it out to bookstores. But my editor and I agreed that taking a few extra months to create a larger book will be useful on many levels....”

One Remaining Spot in Upcoming Black Horse Wisdom

Hello everyone.  I hope you are enjoying the many beauties of spring.  Just a quick note to let you know that a last minute medical cancellation has opened up one spot in the May 23-26, 2012 Black Horse Wisdom workshop with Linda Kohanov.  If you …

Spaces Available in Spring and Summer Workshops

There are still a few spaces available in our specially priced Epona Apprenticeship 2-day workshops that will take place at Epona at Eagle Way in Amado, AZ on April 24-25, 2012 and April 27-28, 2012. These 2-day introductory workshops are facilitated by Epona Apprentices and …

Winter, 2012 News

Happy New Year! Where has all the time gone? Before we get any further along I wanted to take a few minutes to bring you up-to-date on the latest news from Epona. Spring Workshops Spring workshops are filling up fast. Rasa Dance: The Energy of Connection, is taking place March 30th – April 2nd. Pioneering Spirit: Leadership for the 21st Century is being offered April 11th – 14th, and Black Horse Wisdom is scheduled May 23rd –26th. For more information or to register contact Sue Smades at info@eponaquest.com or 520-205-1107.