Eponaquest News

Eponaquest News — September 23, 2014

Reflections Over the Atlantic

By Linda Kohanov


In the last month, I’ve been traveling around Europe, meeting a host of wonderful new people and horses, visiting some impressive farms, cities, towns and cathedrals in Holland, Germany, and France, while also reconnecting with a growing community …

Eponaquest News – August 15, 2014

Join the Eponaquest Worldwide Herd Online!

Eponaquest Worldwide has joined social media. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news, see pictures of the Eponaquest herd, read about new insights from Linda Kohanov and much more.

To join …

Eponaquest News – June 2014

Linda on Tour

Linda Kohanov is travelling again this summer. She just recently returned from a highly successful trip to Damascus, Maryland where she gave an evening lecture for the public and presented her very popular four-day Power of the Herd: Leadership for the 21st

Eponaquest News – December 18, 2013

Mandela and Other Heroes: The Real Meaning of Hope, Courage, and Forgiveness

by Linda Kohanov

With Nelson Mandela’s recent passing, the world continues to mourn the loss of a great leader while celebrating the life of this truly exceptional human being. But Mandela wasn’t born …

November 2013 Eponaquest News

Epona Advanced Study Experience (EASE)

For over a decade, the EASE program has been one of the cornerstones of Eponquest’s advanced equine-facilitated human development offerings. This two-part intensive program is an in-depth exploration of the Eponaquest Way of the Horse as a profound journey of …

Eponaquest News – September 23, 2013

A Letter from Eponaquest Founder Linda Kohanov


This year, I’m very excited to share a new tool/approach I developed based on research I stumbled upon while writing The Power of the Herd.

A bit of background: This summer I’ve been on the road presenting …

Eponaquest News — August 26, 2013

In This Issue: Sharing Merlin’s Story in Parabola: Introducing “non-predatory power” to readers of a prestigious journal Horse Sense in the Big Apple: An innovative new workshop in the heart of the city A Special Five-Day Intensive

Sharing Merlin’s Story in Parabola

The Fall 2013 …

Linda Kohanov’s Tour Heading to Minneapolis

After a highly successful series of events in Chicago last weekend at BraveHearts therapeutic riding and educational center, Linda Kohanov will be doing some private seminars for area businesses, and then heading to the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota area next week. At the last minute, her …

A Message from Linda

After spending huge amounts of time alone, virtually tied to my computer during the four years it took to write The Power of the Herd, I’m having so much fun going on tour, meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends. I’ve been doing …

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