The Tao of Equus Rebirth…In Print, Audio, Workshops, and Film

Photo of Linda & Rasa by Tony Stromberg

After spending the early part of the summer launching a new website hub to house her online courses, and releasing the latest two additions to that platform, Connections 102 and the Five Roles of a Master Herder, Linda Kohanov has spent the past two months revising and expanding her first book, The Tao of Equus. The new version is due to be released in June of next year. And for the first time ever, Linda will narrate the audiobook of this updated classic.

“I’m pleased to be able to add new research that wasn’t available when The Tao of Equus came out in 2001,” Linda says. “It was quite a journey to revisit the magic and mystery of that time and bring new insights forward. We really can explain a lot more about the healing power of the horse-human bond in 2023, and I’m so pleased that my publisher New World Library gave me this opportunity.”

The synchronicities abound. While Linda was updating the book, she was contacted by a filmmaker who optioned the book for a theatrical movie release. “As usual in the business, I imagine they will take some liberties with the story,” Linda says. “But we’ve already done some interviews to support the script writing process, and I feel very pleased with the filmmaker’s dedication to the bringing the essence of the story forward in a meaningful way. I was open to sharing some anecdotes that I didn’t put in the book, so I think the film version of The Tao of Equus will have some exciting new features to it as well.” More details to come as the project unfolds.

As the revised manuscript heads into production, Linda will share excerpts from the new version in upcoming editions of the Eponaquest News. “It’s a long road through editing, type setting, new cover art, etc., and I want to be able to give people a taste of some of the updated perspectives and research I’m sharing, as well as draw attention to some powerful moments in the original that I retained in the book.”

In celebration of this new chapter in the book’s evolution, Eponaquest is offering 10% off on all fall workshop registrations, and 20% off on The Tao of Equus 2023. (See below for descriptions of the fall events.) To take advantage of these special discounts, please contact the Eponaquest business office at for assistance registering.

The fall lineup begins with Primal Reunion, a special offering from Linda, and her husband, Grammy nominated composer/recording artist Steve Roach. Join Linda and Steve for a unique, three-day intensive September 8 to 10, 2023. This is a rare opportunity to work directly with Linda and Steve in an intimate extended workshop environment where you’ll spend time connecting with nature and horses in the heart of the desert, immersing yourself in transformational music, exercising creativity, and accessing your own personal myths of balance and transformation.

Next up is one of our most popular offerings – Black Horse Wisdom – October 6 through 9, 2023. This powerful workshop is for people who would like to exercise intuition, creativity, personal development and relationship skills through reflective non-riding activities with horses, visionary journeying experiences with music, and simple yet profound nonverbal communication techniques that will enhance your connection to all the animals and humans in your life.

October 20 through 23, 2023 join Linda and the Eponaquest herd for The Tao of Equus 2023: Mindful, Authentic, Heart-Centered Wisdom for Personal Well Being and Professional Success. This four-day experiential journey offers a tour of some of the most powerful insights the horses have to offer people. Linda will also share some of the latest scientific research on how and why horses are so effective in helping humans become more balanced, empowered, compassionate, and connected to deeper sources of inspiration.

October ends with The Power of the Herd: Working with Eponaquest’s Horses to Master the Five Roles – October 27 through 30, 2023. Participants will work with the Eponaquest herd to learn how to work with different personalities, from the gentle and cooperative to the shy and highly sensitive to the more challenging dominant horses who demand a refined and committed use of power. Through a powerful combination of equine-facilitated learning activities and step-by-step processes, attendees will learn how to take these principles back to the human world.

What happens when you bring together internationally recognized author and pioneer in equine-facilitated learning, Linda Kohanov, her two-time Grammy nominated husband, Steve Roach, an American pioneer in the evolution of ambient/electronic music, and Serena Gabriel, a visionary musician and dancer, recording artist, and healing arts practitioner? Nada Brahma: The Universe is Sound, a workshop experience like none other.

Join Linda, Steve, and Serena November 9 through 12, 2023, to explore spontaneous music making, extended live journey concerts, mantras, and sacred chants. Bringing all of this together at points along the way will be integrative horse experiences that exercise mindfulness, deep peace, nonverbal communication, and a spirituality that allows people to fluidly move between a grounded, earthy existence and other worlds of creativity and possibility.

To wrap up 2023, psychologist, author, abduction/family reunification expert, and co-founder of the Polyvagal Equine Institute, Dr. Rebecca Bailey joins forces with Linda once again to offer Healing the Herd: Connection Focused Therapy® for Therapists and Other Professionals Working with Trauma Survivors and Families in Crisis – November 30th December 4th.

In 2013, Rebecca and Linda combined their talents to develop a new approach to helping families recover from conflict, unproductive ancestral patterns, and traumatic events.  Connection Focused Therapy® is the multi-disciplinary modality they created to help people become empowered as individuals while also learning to support, collaborate with, and draw strength from their loved ones, peers, and communities. In this effort, Rebecca and Linda have drawn upon the “wisdom and power of the herd,” a phrase they use to describe therapeutic techniques and life skills inspired by how horses take care of individual and group needs simultaneously.

This training is for therapists, caretakers, and horse professionals working closely with therapists, who would like to learn advanced techniques for helping individuals and families with complex case scenarios. This includes post-traumatic stress from abuse, war, criminal acts, or accidents, high or low conflict divorce, and reunification/reintegration following familial or non-familial abduction.

Linda’s professionally produced online courses are available at where you can learn more about these self-paced learning opportunities. “In the online courses, I bring to life some anecdotes, research and tools that are hard to communicate exclusively in writing,” she says, “and it’s also a real pleasure to be able to share what are now historic photos and videos of the horses people have been reading about for years.” You can receive 15% off any or all of the online courses by using the coupon code 15rasa at check out.

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